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Get Mentally Motivated And Spring Clean Your Mind

Get Mentally Motivated And Spring Clean Your Mind

Spring officially sprung on March 20th,  so what are you waiting for?  Spring clean your mind of old worn out thoughts and feelings that keep you stuck in a wintery state of mind.  Unclutter your emotional closet!
Clean out your Mental Cobwebs – Along with cleaning out the closets, Spring is a great time to focus on Spring cleaning your mind. Clean out the cobwebs of old, tired ways of thinking that lead to negative self-talk, self-doubt, and the inner critic within. It has been estimated that the average person thinks about 50,000 thoughts per day. If even 10% are negative thoughts, which is an understatement for most people, that comes to 5000 negative thoughts a day on average!
Emotionally Unpack – As you are Spring cleaning your physical closets think about  cleaning and uncluttering your emotional closets as well.  What old thoughts and memories keep you stuck in old ways of thinking and feeling? Take out those thoughts, memories and feelings, give them a good cleaning, and repack them in a different way. Just like when old clothes begin to take on a musty and stale odor, old thoughts do as well. Maybe we just need to air them out a bit or throw them out all together. As you clean out your emotional closet, re-evaluate your thoughts and keep what works for you and repack old ways of thinking in a way that helps you spring into Spring and not stay in the dark days of Winter – in your mind.
Do an Inventory of your Mental Media – Examine the thoughts that are constantly going through your mind. Do you keep living and reliving past personal  issues that are not even true? Do you have mental thoughts that are negative and critical, both of yourself and others? Are there people that you can’t forgive, do you tell yourself stories about why they are bad, or do you tell stories about yourself that are not true, such as you are not successful or smart enough, or worse yet, that you are one of life’s losers? Where do those thoughts come from? Learn to think of all your past mistakes as future opportunities to get it right. The past is in the past. You cannot do a thing about what happened yesterday, but you can make the most out of any situation and do something today that will give yourself and even brighter tomorrow.
Springtime can be a State of Mind all Year Long – So when you Spring clean your mind, realize that Spring can be a state of mind any time of the year. Whether you live in Seminole County, Georgia or Seminole County, Oklahoma,    the weather on the outside matters less than the weather inside your mind. Is it often cloudy or rainy in your head? This Spring, give yourself the gift of cleaning out that bad weather between your ears.
Spring is a Time for Rebirth! – All around us this time of year we see change as flowers bloom and the trees, downtown and all over the county, turn a refreshing shade of green. This Spring, let yourself see the wonders of creation reflected also inside of you. Use this as a time for reinventing yourself and trying new things. By committing yourself to personal renewal, you can re-evaluate what in your life no longer works for you, and how you can grow, change and transform to become the best possible you.
Spring offers You a Fresh Start – With the freshness of Spring around you, use this time of mental Spring cleaning to give yourself the gift of a fresh start. This Spring is the most important Spring of your life, as only the present gives you the opportunity to renew yourself. Build on the Winters of your disappointments and regrets to breathe new life into old issues. Perhaps there are no do-overs, but there are second chances and there is always hope. What we do today, with a fresh attitude and a renewed desire to reach for the stars, can indeed change our outlook and ultimately our destination.
Happy Spring Cleaning!

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